Generating better insights from raw data in real-time, without indexing or storage, upends the unit economics for scaling in the cloud
Key Takeaways
As the volume of data that companies generate grows exponentially, so does the complexity of cloud infrastructure handing that data – ballooning the costs to scale.
Companies need to review their data continuously, to make sure their systems are sound, but traditional monitoring approaches scale poorly and are becoming more costly.
Coralogix uses a powerful technology, Streama, to analyze all observability data in-stream, without indexing or storing, to provide real-time insights and up to 70% cost savings.
Coralogix provides a fully centralized platform so companies can understand their system’s health with unmatched correlation of logs, metrics, traces, and security data in real-time.
Just as predicted at the turn of the century, data has become a new vital resource, on which every business runs. In the same way, harvesting, processing, refining, and using that data has become more and more resource intensive. Data volumes are growing exponentially and so are the costs of running a modern business in the cloud.
Each cloud infrastructure component, application, container, virtualized server, and microservice generates records of every activity in the form of logs, metrics, traces, and security events. Observability tools ingest this telemetry from cloud infrastructure to provide a unified view of a company’s environment and the health of its systems. This enables engineers to proactively optimize their systems for uptime, performance, and superior customer experiences on the front end.
As workloads continue migrating to the cloud, data volumes grow and cloud architecture becomes more complex, companies are watching their observability and monitoring costs explode. With many cloud-native companies in our portfolio, we are keenly aware of the costs to scale from analyzing ever more data. Building API-based solutions, an ecommerce storefront, or mission-critical enterprise-scale applications all require powerful, always-on observability.
First-generation and second-generation solutions try to solve the observability challenge with indexing or pre-processing – all based on data that must be stored first. This is slow, difficult to scale and expensive, which is why we are excited to invest in Coralogix, the company leveraging streaming analytics and Kafka-based data pipelines to analyze all observability data in real-time, without indexing or storage.
Full-stack insights for logs, metrics, tracing, and security
Coralogix is trusted by several of our portfolio companies and more than 2,000 others. Its unique technology, Streama, can analyze data in-stream without relying on indexing or any centralized datastore. This upends the unit economics of observability, with holistic, full-stack insights for event logs, metrics, tracing, and security.
Bringing analytics one step closer to the source allows companies to work with their data however they choose – and understand their data faster.
Coralogix centralizes and analyzes data from any source with real-time parsing, enrichment, and more in-stream, for deeper insights and faster troubleshooting. Machine learning algorithms learn to detect unusual system behavior from raw log entries and alerts, monitoring, and long-term trend analysis are all run within the stream.
With all analysis occurring in-stream and no dependency on external datastores, companies can leverage next-generation alerting capabilities with correlation across all data types and sources. New Flow Alert capabilties allow users to combine alerts for logs, metrics, tracing, and security data into a single alert that follows the steps leading up to a negative outcome.
Coralogix provides users a deep understanding of their system’s health by offering hundreds of integrations. Customers can use the Coralogix UI to view their data or integrate with any open source visualization tool. With this unique solution, organizations can ensure high adoption rates and know that no data or insights will ever be missed.
Every company is trying to unlock the wealth of information hidden in its data. In-stream analysis enables companies to take full advantage of that information even before their data is indexed. With Coralogix, companies can parse data on the fly, generate metrics from raw logs, and correlate event flows to trace performance bottlenecks across distributed architectures.
Powerful analytics, vastly lower cost
All of this means companies can observe more data more quickly. Coralogix, powered by the Streama technology, improves coverage and allows customers to easily choose which data to send to hot storage. A recently launched distributed query engine makes it possible to search dynamically mapped data from remote storage. Data written to remote storage can be queried directly from the Coralogix platform at any time with no effect on daily quota or compute costs.
On average, companies save between 40% and 70% on total cost of ownership (TCO). Companies have even more control over how their data is handled, using the Coralogix TCO Optimizer to assign each type of log to a different data pipeline.
We saw some of our portfolio companies turn to Coralogix to better manage the TCO of their cloud infrastructure, and others facing the challenge of managing costs as their cloud footprint scaled. Our internal engineering team at Advent Labs also demoed Coralogix and saw a fundamental technology advancement relative to incumbent solutions in the market. All of this gave us a firsthand view of how powerful Coralogix is at providing a cost- and time-efficient answer to: “How is my cloud infrastructure working?”
Endless data possibilities
As we test-drove the Coralogix technology, we also got to know Coralogix as a company. From the first meeting, we found ourselves in-sync with the culture created by CEO Ariel Assaraf and his leadership team. They are humble and thoughtful, in addition to being brilliant technologists who understand what businesses need from their data. And they move fast to deliver exactly that.
This team has a plan to grow durably in any environment. The company already serves a global market, recently adding some of the most successful enterprise customers in the U.S., Israel, India and EMEA. And their pioneering work with in-stream analytics lays a strong foundation to expand into adjacent product areas. We invested just as Coralogix had successfully made the jump from a best-in-class log analytics solution to a full-stack observability platform, with capabilities for metrics and traces as well as security data with its Snowbit offerings. Snowbit is an MxDR, building on the power of the Coralogix platform, along with 24/7expert services to provide global organizations with guided responses before and during security attacks.
We see even bigger evolutions in the company’s future. The possibilities for in-stream analysis are truly as endless as business data itself. As Coralogix grows, its technology can be used for more than observability. The platform can serve as a data workbench for any kind of data that a business needs to analyze quickly and cost-effectively. That is a vast addressable market, and we are proud to support the Coralogix team as they make that vision a reality.